a small note from the person you know...

this blog is full of personal thoughts and daily/weekly experiences which flew out from sarah's mind to her hands as soon as she began typing. please do NOT flag, and sorry if a blog post or two offends you. please inform the blogger and she will try to make amends for her mistake. so thanks for visiting. God bless. :D
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. Life's too short for pretending to be somebody else. Be loved for who you really are.
xoxo, yours truly (:

p/s: please don't hesitate to click here if you hate this blog.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Cinderella walked on broken glass , Sleeping Beauty let a whole lifetime pass , Belle fell in love with a hideous beast , Jasmine married a common thief , Ariel walked on land for love and life and Snow White barely escaped a knife . It was all about blood , sweat and tears . Because love means facing your biggest fears .
im normal, weird, smart, random, nice, very perasan, mature, childish quirky, unique, emotional, stressed out, living the life, missing someone, hoping to kill someone, loving my friends.... all at one go!
im so mixed up but at least i know what's right.
basically, im just me. and that's who i want to be.
im imperfect but that's what makes me actually perfect.
weirdness is my equivalent to uniqueness.
im one of a kind.
im random.
gosh, i love me.
teehee (:

ignore the dinner part.

your random perasan blogger.
GOD loves you. :)

p/s: wish me luck for tomorrow. super duper big event for me. aiks! :x

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